The stroke it done, the cash in the palm.
I phone one of the many dealer’s, and
Meet them on high
I’m alone in me gaff, this is what I need
I fish out my bag of Tricks, and use the new.
I empty the Q of beige powder on to the spoon,
Mix in some water and some citric,
I light me lighter under Me spoon, as watch it
all turn a golden brown,
I’m singing a song, I don’t know by who
But it’s a happy tune, the mood I’m in
I choose the left arm, and feel up and down
Tapping with my right finger tips.
Like a music hit,
I suck up the golden liquid, from the spoon
And use a filter to wash away any-disasters,
Then the would follow, if it wasn’t clean.
I clinch me fist, and pull the turn-quay, making
Blue lines appear as if they weren’t there.
I have the loose end of the quay gripped
In my teeth.
The other noose wrapped around the elbow of Me arm
I tap again and I happily settle, I choose a brown
spike for the gizmo and clip it into place,
using my knees and table for support
I pierce Me skin with the spike, I don’t feel any pain,
I’m in it for the gain
I let my feelings run amuck
Then I loosen the turn-quay, I give it a little flush,
The blood is pulled into the gizmo and pushed back in.
The tingle feeling around the head, as I flush
And push the plunger, as it was a knife.
This is the hit, I’ve been waiting for.
I pushed the plunger one more time
I’m so happy and pure
and care free.
That is the hit, folks, lets part here,
I need to be alone to enjoy the goof
The next time if we meet, we can do it again
Or maybe not, I may not want company
I’m a survivor, an Addict in this world
Living is easy I can survive living
But been an Addict is different, pure true
Who knows my last hit, could be the last
Doesn’t mean I’m Clean.
This article was originally published in:
Fountain News Digital – December 2010 (Issue 2)
We are re-publishing all articles from our past newsletter, Fountain News Digital, and you can view all completed newsletters here. There were nine issues published in total between 2010 and 2012.
[…] by Alan Finn: Alan Finn – The Hit Alan Finn – Son, Oh Son Alan Finn – Past Lives and […]